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16 July 2020

Personal Debt & Mental Health during Covid-19

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been stressful for many people. Everyday life, jobs and income have been disrupted over the last few months and many people have had to rely on credit to cover day-to-day spending and/or service their mortgages, rent, bills, credit card and loan payments. Now, as the world adjusts to a ‘new normal’, some people are worried about how they will repay the debts they have built up over the last few months.

Debt and money worries can lead to feelings of helplessness, embarrassment, despair, guilt, fear, loneliness and anxiety.

Creditors trying to recover a debt, may be entirely unaware of a person’s feelings or mental state and can act in inappropriate, sometimes distressing ways, adding to the pressure on a person who is feeling frightened and alone.

Fixing debt problems

The first step in addressing debt problems is to recognise that debt is no longer a taboo subject. It is only by facing your fears and talking about them openly that solutions can be found.

There is truth in the old saying, ‘your health is your wealth’. As with any problem, the better your mental health, the easier it is to address debt difficulties head on.

Talking about your worries to someone who understands how to deal with debt can help as they will explain the different options and procedures that are available and help you navigate your way out of your difficulties.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left many people feeling anxious, says Kevin Robinson.

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At FPM, we believe it is always important to speak about debt rather than to hide behind it and we know from experience that there is usually a way out of even the most difficult situations if you are willing to seek help.

We negotiate with banks, loan and credit card companies on a daily basis so we have strong relationships which we can draw on to find workable solutions. You can find out more about our insolvency services here.

Our dedicated insolvency team is approachable and non-judgmental. If you are worried about debt and would like to talk to us,  contact us for assistance or call us on +44(0) 28 9024 3131 (NI) or  +353(0) 1691 3500 (RoI)


Contact Kevin

Kevin Robinson / Restructuring & Recovery

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